Age Discrimination, Release of Employees and Sustainable Law Strategy in Industrial Enterprises

The implementation of new trends into industrial practice as well as the influence of various external and internal factors affects the operation of industrial enterprises and their performance. Industrial enterprises that have developed a sustainable human resource management strategy are able to resist negative impacts. A sustainable law strategy defines the range of options for the implementation of a sustainable human resources management strategy. A sustainable law strategy, as a base of business strategy is affecting other strategies in industrial enterprises and also it provides a framework for business sustainability as part of an ecosystem in sustainable corporate social responsibility strategy. The importance of the consistency of mentioned strategies is contained in the presented paper. Consistency of strategies ensures fair treatment of employees as a key internal factor in business success. It is important that employers treat their employees fairly, especially in the case of negative measures. The main aim of the paper is to present results of the research focused on identified discrimination and release of employees in industrial enterprises. The research sample consisted of n = 692 respondents composed of industrial enterprises employees. Among the significant results, the authors of the paper advise the finding, that a significant part of the respondents did not encounter age discrimination. The conclusion contains recommendations for the development of sustainable law strategy regarding to findings related to the release of employees and age discrimination.
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