Sustainable ecotourism development: Principles, potentials & practices in India & Iran

Youth is seen as the key determining aspect of a society, as a society depends more on this section. There seems to be near unanimity in the view that youth cannot be ignored in our social reckoning. A special attention is to be paid to this large chunk of population, their needs and problems. The focus of the present study is to understand the situation, needs and aspirations of youth in India; it is argued that since youth have to take up the future of the society, they have to be properly groomed to take up this huge and arduous task. The present study “The panorama of youth in India: A socio-demographic analysis”, is significant as it mainly concentrates its attention to delineate the concept of youth in India, who is the most imperative and significant section of the society, and there is today a general impatience among them with the existing social structure and social system. The study is a modest attempt to characterize the key sectors of youth concern in India, including education, unemployment, health, youth participation, challenges, environment and sports and recreation. Since the future of a society is determined to a large extent by what the youth learns in their formative years. That is why every civilized society pays adequate attention to the needs, training, education and general upbringing of youth. Infact the maturity and quality of a society can be judged by the extent of attention it pays on youth.
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