Клінічне вивчення та взаємозв’язок стану гігієни ротової порожнини з іншими складовими зубощелепної системи в осіб зі знімними конструкціями зубних протезів

The article presents the results of the examination of the patients with removable dentures being used for different terms who applied to us for different reasons, on the basis of developed questionnaire. The main components of the questionnaire are clinical examination, survey, indices of denture hygiene and oral hygiene ONI-S, Ulitovskiy’s tongue hygiene and halitosis level. It was found that 67.9 % of the patients had a somatic pathology and 25.0 % of them had a combined one. But only 1.9 % of them complained of poor hygienic condition of the oral cavity. The low level of their knowledge on oral hygiene is pointed out. The proper level of denture hygiene based on the hygiene index is diagnosed in 32.1% of the patients. During investigation, the correlation between different factors was determined. It is pointed out that the type of somatic pathology, the term of denture uses, and halitosis level influence on oral hygiene state of the patients with removable dentures at confidence level of P ≤ 0,05.
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