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Jeffrey Cook: 1934–2003

Jeffrey Cook was best known for his pioneering work on bio-climatic design. But what made his particular contribution to architecture distinctive was the breadth of his interests and his concern to make connections between them. Two examples of this were the wonderful studies of the Natural History Museum (‘Designing the well-tempered institution of 1873’ in arq 1/2, pp70–78 and ‘Delivering the well-tempered institution of 1873’ in arq 2/1, pp66–75) which he wrote together with Tanis Hinchcliffe. Jeff was one of the members of the first arq Editorial Board. Both then and later, he was a generous and perceptive referee. And it was he who made the most helpful suggestions when a new board was formed after Cambridge University Press took over as publishers. Sadly, he was not a member of that Board but he continued to help us – and to gently castigate us for changing the layout: ‘The old design was distinctive and couldn't be bettered’ he wrote, ‘– all those wonderful large letters across the opening spreads!’ Jeff is remembered here by Dennis Sharp, Steve Szokolay, Dean Hawkes and Simos Yannas.
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