Evaluation of the Acute Toxicity, Irritation, Sensitization, and Subchronic Dermal Toxicity of Antimony Thioantimonate Lubricant

Abstract : Antimony thioantimonate (ATA) is used in a calcium cup grease (Ca grease) lubricant in Naval operations. Test for acute intraperitoneal toxicity, eye irritation, sensitization and subchronic dermal toxicity were conducted. Single dose IP LD sub 50 values for male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were 445 mg/kg and 652 mg/kg, respectively. ATA instilled in New Zealand White rabbit eyes produced reversible conjunctival erythema, chemosis and discharge. Superficial corneal injury noted with ultraviolet light examination 7 days postapplication. Ca grease or 5% ATA in Ca grease (5% ATA/grease) produced a sensitization response in guinea pigs. Repeated dermal 6 hr/day, control 5 day/ week for 90 days, with either Ca grease (vehicle control), 5% ATA/grease or 0.5% ATA in calcium cup grease (0.5% ATA/grease) produced epithelial keratosis in both male and female rabbits. Female rabbits treated with these materials also demonstrated mild hepatocellular fatty change. These lesions were attributable to the Ca grease lubricant with no apparent potentiation by ATA content. Unexposed control rabbits did not display these tissue changes. Food consumption, body weight, and organ weights were generally unaffected by ATA exposure. No changes were noted in the electrocardiograms of rabbits repeatedly exposed to ATA lubricant. In addition, no significant ATA exposure related cardiac tissue changes were observed microscopically. Keywords: Edema, Cardiotoxicity.
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