Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Lebenszyklus der kuhdungbewohnenden Sphaeroceridenarten Chaetopodella scutellaris (Haliday, 1836) und Coproica lugubris (Haliday, 1836). (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae)

The two species studied, Ch. scutellaris and C. lugubris, are associated with cow pats. Adults of both species occur from April to October and utilize the resources of cow pats. According to the competitive exclusion principle, sympatric species can not occupy the same ecological niche. Based on this principle the lifecycle of Ch. scutellaris and C. lugubris was studied and compared. Since the ontogeny of flies is rather complex involving a complete matamorphosis, all stages (egg, larva, pupa, adult) were studied. Flies used in experiments were taken from laboratory cultures. The method developed for laboratory rearing is described. Major differences were found in the length of the larval and pupal development. In Ch. scutellaris the development, especially the development of the third larval instar, takes considerably longer than in C. lugubris.
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