Women's studies of the Christian and Islamic traditions : ancient, medieval, and Renaissance foremothers

Part 1 Survey of recent research: Women's studies of Christian tradition. Theological anthropology. Sexology. Canon law. History. Hagiography. Women writers - Late Antique, Byzantine and Early Medieval Authors, Heloise, Hildegard von Bingen, Herrad von Landsberg, Chiara d'Assisi, Hadewijch. Beatrijs van Nazareth, Helfta writers, Angela da Foligno, Marguerite d'Oingt, Marguerite Porete, Birgitta of Sweden, Caterina da Siena, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Caterina Vegri, Christine de Pizan. Etudes relatives aux femmes et a leur role dans les cultures musulmanes du VIIe au XVe siecle. Part 2 Matristics - Late Antiquity, early Christian and Islamic foremothers: "The hierophant of philosophy" - Hypatia of Alexandria. La moniale folle du monastere des Tabennesiotes. The desert mothers - female asceticism in Egypt from the 4th to the 6th century. "Becoming Male" - a gnostic, early Christian and Islamic metaphor. Part 3 Matristics - mothers of the Church: Ancient and Medieval Church mothers. Birgitta of Sweden - a model of theological inculturation. Julian of Norwich - a model of feminist theology. Caritas Pirckheimer et Vittoria Collona. Part 4 Feminologie institutionelle: Image ajustee, typologie arretee - analyse critique de Mulieris dignitatem. Catholicisme et Islam - une rethorique apologetique commune a propos de la femme.
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