Spectrum-enhanced Pairwise Learning to Rank

To enhance the performance of the recommender system, side information is extensively explored with various features (e.g., visual features and textual features). However, there are some demerits of side information: (1) the extra data is not always available in all recommendation tasks; (2) it is only for items, there is seldom high-level feature describing users. To address these gaps, we introduce the spectral features extracted from two hypergraph structures of the purchase records. Spectral features describe the \textit{similarity} of users/items in the graph space, which is critical for recommendation. We leverage spectral features to model the users' preference and items' properties by incorporating them into a Matrix Factorization (MF) model. In addition to modeling, we also use spectral features to optimize. Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) is extensively leveraged to optimize models in implicit feedback data. However, in BPR, all missing values are regarded as negative samples equally while many of them are indeed unseen positive ones. We enrich the positive samples by calculating the similarity among users/items by the spectral features. The key ideas are: (1) similar users shall have similar preference on the same item; (2) a user shall have similar perception on similar items. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the usefulness of the spectral features and the effectiveness of our spectrum-enhanced pairwise optimization. Our models outperform several state-of-the-art models significantly.
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