Similar Therapeutic Efficacy Between a Single Administration of Gene Therapy and Multiple Administrations of Recombinant Enzyme in a Mouse Model of Lysosomal Storage Disease

Abstract Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has become the standard of care for several lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs). Despite ERT's undisputed efficacy, the requirement for multiple and costly administrations as well as ERT's limited improvement of some LSD manifestations prompts the search for better therapies. Using a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis VI, we compared the efficacy of a single intravascular administration of an adeno-associated viral vector targeting liver to weekly infusions of human recombinant enzyme at the same doses used in mucopolysaccharidosis VI patients. While gene therapy results in increased and stable levels of circulating enzyme up to 1 year after vector administration, ERT has typical peak-and-drop serum kinetics. Both therapies similarly reduced glycosaminoglycan levels in urine and tissues including heart valves and myocardium, with gene therapy improving skeletal skull abnormalities slightly better, although not significantly, than ERT. Both therapies seem to simil...
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