Taze Meyve-Sebze Tedarik Zincirindeki Engelleri Azaltici Tedbirlerin Fiyatlar Uzerindeki Etkisi

[TR] Taze meyve ve sebze piyasasinda urunler ureticiden perakendeciye genellikle aracilar vasitasiyla iletilmektedir. Bu aracilarin, ozellikle de kayit disi olanlarin varligi, gida fiyatlarinda yukari yonlu baski olusturan piyasa noksanliklari olusturmaktadir. Bu calismada, sozkonusu noksanliklarin giderilmesinin gida fiyatlarini dusurecegi onermesi ekonometrik yontemlerle sinanmaktadir. Kullandigimiz veri, Turkiye’de taze meyve ve sebze piyasasinda tedarik zinciri duzenlemelerine yonelik bir politika reformuna dayanmaktadir. 1 Ocak 2012 tarihinde yururluge giren ve kamuoyunda “Hal Yasasi” olarak da bilinen yasal duzenleme, taze meyve-sebze piyasasindaki tedarik zinciri engellerini dissal olarak azaltmistir. Bu dissal politika mudahalesinin mumkun kildigi yari deneysel yontemler kullanilarak soz konusu politika reformunun taze meyve ve sebze toptan fiyatlarini onemli oranda dusurdugu, ancak perakende fiyatlarda anlamli bir degisime yol acmadigi gosterilmektedir. Bu sonuclar, taze meyve ve sebze piyasasýnda perakendeci, toptanci ve ureticilerin fiyatlama davranislari arasinda onemli bir asimetrinin var oldugunu gostermektedir. [EN] The market for fresh food is often characterized by a large number of intermediaries delivering the product from the farmer to the retailer. The existence of these intermediaries, especially the informal ones, is often claimed to introduce market frictions that push fresh food prices up. We test the hypothesis that scaling down these frictions reduces the level of prices. Our data comes from a policy reform in Turkey concerning the supply chain regulations in the market for fresh fruits and vegetables. The policy reform, which is enacted on January 1st 2012, resembles a natural experiment that exogenously reduces the supply chain barriers in the market for fresh fruits and vegetables. Using quasi-experimental methods, we show that the policy reform has strikingly reduced the fresh food prices in the wholesale market, while there is almost no price effect in the retail market. Our results suggest that there is significant asymmetry between the pricing behavior of retailers, wholesalers, and farmers in the market for fresh fruits and vegetables.
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