The Presence of Specific IgE to Salicyloyl and O-Methylsalicyloyl in Aspirin-Sensitive Patients

Certain adverse reactions to aspirin (ASA), nonsteroidal antHnflam· matory drugs (NSAIDs) and pyrazoline derivatives resemble IgE·mediated hypersen· sitivity. However, convincing evidence of antigen'antlbody Interactions or of the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase pathway of afachidonlc acid metabolism leading to an increase in the generation of leukotrlenes (LTs) and a decrease in the generation of prostaglandins (PGs) was not fully demonstrated. In this study, two types of specific IgE antibodies have been found In 27 serum samples from 28 ASA·sensitive patients with salicyloyl·discs and O·methylsallcyloyl·dlscs by Radio Allergo Sorbent Tests (RAST). The positive fates were 96.4% and 71.4%, respectively. In contrast, no positive results could be found In 10 normal donors without ASA sensitivity aftef ingestion of ASA SOO mglday for 14 days. Further Investigation of the chemical structure of epltopes was done by cross Inhibition studies. Our results are an In· creasin" evidence in favour of an IgE·dependent mechanism In patients suffering from ASA sensitivity. Hopefully, the determination of specific IgE antibodies will be d safe diagnostic rMthod of ASA sensitivity in vitro.
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