Ustiloxin biosynthetic machinery is not compatible between Aspergillus flavus and Ustilaginoidea virens.

Abstract Ustiloxins are ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs) first reported in Ascomycetes. Originally identified as metabolites of the rice pathogenic fungus Ustilaginoidea virens, they were recently identified among the metabolites of the mold Aspergillus flavus, along with their corresponding biosynthetic gene cluster. Ustilaginoidea virens produces ustiloxins A and B, whereas A. flavus produces only ustiloxin B. Correspondingly, in U. virens, the ustiloxin precursor peptide, from which the compound backbone is cleaved and cyclized, contains the core peptides Tyr(Y)-Val(V)-Ile(I)-Gly(G) and Tyr(Y)-Ala(A)-Ile(I)-Gly(G) for ustiloxins A and B, respectively, whereas that of A. flavus contains only the YAIG motif for ustiloxin B. In this study, the gene that encodes the precursor peptide in A. flavus, ustA, was replaced with synthetic genes encoding the core peptides YVIG or FAIG, to investigate their compatibility with the ustiloxin biosynthetic machinery. We also examined the importance of the hydroxyl group on the aromatic ring of Tyr for cyclization of the YAIG core peptide. Against our expectation, the ustA variant possessing YVIG core peptides did not produce a detectable amount of ustiloxin A, even though the ustiloxin biosynthetic gene clusters of A. flavus and U. virens both contain 13 homologous genes. We confirmed that the lack of ustiloxin A production was not due to lack or insufficient expression of the substituted synthetic gene. This result, along with the differences between the primary sequences of UstYa and UstYb in A. flavus and U. virens, suggests that the ustiloxin biosynthetic machinery is optimized for the native core peptide sequences. The synthetic FAIG-encoding ustA did not yield any compounds specific to the FAIG core peptide, suggesting that the hydroxyl group on the aromatic ring of Tyr in the core peptide is indispensable for cyclization of the core peptide, even though it is not structurally involved in the cyclization.
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