Comportamento de cultivares e hibridos de coqueiro-anao no Distrito Federal.

6 Introducao 7 A importância do clima e da umidade 7 Material e Metodos 8 Germinadouro 8 Resultados e Discussao 13 Avaliacao dos caracteres morfologicos das cultivares e hibridos de coqueiro no campo 14 Conclusoes 16 Referencias Bibliograficas 16 Comportamento de Cultivares e Hibridos de Coqueiro-anao no Distrito Federal Victor Hugo Vargas Ramos1; Alberto Carlos de Queiroz Pinto2; Wilson Menezes Aragao3; Antonio Carlos Gomes4; Nilton Tadeu Vilela Junqueira5; Edson Lobato6; Maria Alice Santos Oliveira7; Resumo O cultivo do coqueiro-anao ja e uma realidade na Regiao Centro-Oeste. Fatores como lucratividade, crescente demanda por agua de coco e a necessidade dos produtores em busca de fontes alternativas de renda sao responsaveis pelo aumento do numero de interessados na cultura do coqueiro. O coqueiro representa grande potencial para o Centro-Oeste, desde que supridas suas necessidades hidricas. Apesar da importância economica e social da cultura, a producao nacional e baixa com media de 30 frutos/planta/ano e de custo elevado, pela exploracao de genotipos nao selecionados. As sementes sao provenientes da Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros num trabalho de Parceria. Por ter recebido as sementes em estado adiantado de germinacao, nao se utilizou a pratica do entalhe das sementes para acelerar a germinacao. O estudo esta sendo desenvolvido na Embrapa Cerrados, com as cultivares: Anao-vermelho-damalasia (AVM), Anao-verde-de-jiqui (AVEJ), Anao-vermelho-de-camaroes (AVC), Anao-vermelho-de-gramame (AVG), e os hibridos: Anao-amarelo-de-gramame x Gigante-do-oeste-africano (AAG x GOA) e Anao-vermelho-de-gramame x Gigante-do-brasil-da-praia-do-forte (AVG x GBRPF). As mudas foram transplantadas para o campo, tendo sido avaliados os caracteres morfologicos vegetativos e agronomicos. Das cultivares, a Verde-de-jiqui e a que vem-se destacando no crescimento da planta e circunferencia do caule (coleto), e dos hibridos, em estudo, nao ha diferenca no desempenho em altura da planta nem na circunferencia do coleto. Termos para indexacao: cocos nucifera, mudas, viveiro, hibrido, sistema de producao, cerrado, selecao de cultivares. 1 Eng. Agron., Ph.D., Embrapa Cerrados, 2 Eng. Agron., Ph.D., Embrapa Cerrados, 3 Eng. Agron., D.Sc., Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros, 4 Mat. Bioest., D.Sc., Embrapa Cerrados, 5 Eng. Agron., Ph.D., Embrapa Cerrados, 6 Eng. Agron., M.Sc., Embrapa Cerrados, 7 Eng. Agron., M.Sc., Embrapa Cerrados, 6 Comportamento de Cultivares e Hibridos de Coqueiro-anao... Behavior of Dwarf Coconut and Hybrids in Distrito Federal, Brazil Abstract The dwarf coconut tree and hybrids has become an important crop in Brazilian Central Region. Profitability, high demand for coconut water and the grower needs for supplementary source of income are the main factors responsible for the increasing interest for cultivation of coconut tree. However, this crop requests high amount of irrigation water to grow and produce adequately. Despite the importance of this crop, the average of national yield is very low ( 30 fruits/ plant/year) and its cost of production is high due to the exploration of unselected genotypes. The objetive of this study is to evaluate cultivars and select superior hybrids on production, quality and regular bearing condition to improve the coconut tree production system. The experiment was established in the nursery of Embrapa Cerrados Research Center in July 1998 by using the following cultivars: Red Dwarf from Malasia (RDM), Green Dwarf from Jiqui (GDJ), Red Dwarf from Cameroon (RDC), Red Dwarf from Gramame (RDG); and the hybrids: Yellow Dwarf from Gramame x Giant from Western Africa (YDG x GWA), Red Dwarf from Gramame x Brazilian Giant from Praia do Forte (RDG x BGPF). The seedlings were transplanted to the field where they have been evaluated for vegetative, morphological and agronomic characteristics. Seeds came from Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros ETC and this study has been developed in a partnership work. Although the seed cut is a recommended practice to accelerate germination, it was not applied in this study, since the seeds were sent by ETC in an advanced stage of germination. The dwarf coconut tree and hybrids has become an important crop in Brazilian Central Region. Profitability, high demand for coconut water and the grower needs for supplementary source of income are the main factors responsible for the increasing interest for cultivation of coconut tree. However, this crop requests high amount of irrigation water to grow and produce adequately. Despite the importance of this crop, the average of national yield is very low ( 30 fruits/ plant/year) and its cost of production is high due to the exploration of unselected genotypes. The objetive of this study is to evaluate cultivars and select superior hybrids on production, quality and regular bearing condition to improve the coconut tree production system. The experiment was established in the nursery of Embrapa Cerrados Research Center in July 1998 by using the following cultivars: Red Dwarf from Malasia (RDM), Green Dwarf from Jiqui (GDJ), Red Dwarf from Cameroon (RDC), Red Dwarf from Gramame (RDG); and the hybrids: Yellow Dwarf from Gramame x Giant from Western Africa (YDG x GWA), Red Dwarf from Gramame x Brazilian Giant from Praia do Forte (RDG x BGPF). The seedlings were transplanted to the field where they have been evaluated for vegetative, morphological and agronomic characteristics. Seeds came from Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros ETC and this study has been developed in a partnership work. Although the seed cut is a recommended practice to accelerate germination, it was not applied in this study, since the seeds were sent by ETC in an advanced stage of germination.
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