Family planning target setting and allocation.

Family planning (FP) and target setting and allocation are discussed as the Korean FP targets and the use of Bongaarts computer program for target setting. The rationale for a target oriented FP program is that it provides a means of evaluation and an immediate objective for the FP worker or the program unit; it is a requirement for determining a reduction in fertility and pressure must be applied at all levels to meet the targets. Targets are useful for allocating scarce resources and monitoring program performance. In the Korean 6th 5 year Economic and Social Development Plan (1987-91) a reduction in population growth was set for a decline from 1.25% in 1985 to 1.0% in 1993. It was assumed that the total fertility rate (TFR) would decline from 2.0 in 1985 to 1.75 in 1995. Since the target was reached early a revised target was set for a sustained growth of .96%. Population projections for 1991 were 43.2 million and stabilization at 50.2 million by 2000. The translation of demographic goals into contraceptive acceptance targets involves difficult methodological problems. In the 1970s a computer program TABLAP was used and found to be ineffective. The replacement was the program TARGET developed by John Bongaarts. After the national contraceptive target by method is determined the targets are apportioned to the private and public sector by source as indicated in the national fertility and FP survey conducted every 3 years. The public sector then is apportioned by city and province which is divided among counties and urban wards with a quota for each health center. Allocations are based on the population of eligible women 15-44 years the number of FP workers and the proportion of contraceptive users by method and source and then adjusted to the previous years program achievements. Difficulties in achieving targets were mediated by the principle that decentralization evened out inequities. Another problem is the high discontinuations and high wastage of reversible methods which are related to targets apportioned to subareas without consideration for particular tastes or prejudices. Followup services which are essential for dealing with continuation suffer at the expense of making targets. Greater choice of contraceptive method needs to be implemented and may involve less emphasis on sterilization for new acceptors in their 20s. The Bongaarts computer program is described in terms of the hardware and software requirements preparation of input data and entrance of input data.
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