Préparation et structure cristalline de deux nouveaux phosphures ternaires: ScRuP et Sc2Ru12P7

New ternary scandium-ruthenium phosphides were prepared by solid state reaction of elemental components followed by melting in a cold crucible. ScRuP has a ZrRuSi-type structure with the hexagonal lattice constants a=6524 A, c=3610 A. Sc 2 Ru 12 P 7 crystallizes with the hexagonal Zr 2 Fe 12 P 7 structure with a=9318 A and c=3874 A. Both structures were determined completly and atomic positions refined from single-crystal counter data. They belong to a large family of phosphides with a metal on non metal ratio equal or close to two. They can be analysed in a crystal chemical model based on the non metal environments of the metals atoms Preparation par reaction solide entre les composants elementaires suivie d'une fusion en creuset froid. Etude structurale
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