[Evaluation of short-time resorption surgical sutures in tubal anastomoses with use of microsurgical techniques. An experimental study].

: In the paper there have been evaluated synthetic absorbable surgical sutures--MAXON, of long time of their resorption in an organism. The valuation concerned their usefulness to carrying out the operations of oviducts with use of microsurgical technique. It consisted in determination of biocompatibility degree of analyzed sutures within tubal tissues and also their technical utility to this kind of procedures. The valuation of the surgical sutures was performed on the ground of experimental studies with use of laboratory animals--New Zealand white female rabbits, in which "end to end" microsurgical tubal anastomoses were made, with use of analyzed sutures. In further stage, pathomorphological investigations of the animals were performed (in various time after the operation), during which there were conducted microscopic observations of histologic slides derived from tubal anastomoses regions. The purpose of the work was trying to appoint the most adequate suture material for carrying out the operations of oviducts with use of microsurgical technique. It was also an assistance for an operator to take a decission of choice of the proper surgical sutures for surgical treatment of female mechanical infertility and other kind of microsurgical operations which are performed in gynaecology. Generally good technical utility in microsurgical practice of surgical sutures MAXON--absorbable of long period of their resorption in tissues was stated. They cause the formation of only single peritoneal adhesions, mainly in the regions of tubal anastomoses previously made and produce relatively small tubal tissue reaction, which testifies to high biocompatibility of the sutures, as the implantation material. The analyzed surgical sutures characterize themselves of very good usefulness to microsurgical operations of oviducts and they seem to be the most adventageous for performing this type of operations. They give a greater certainty of formation of durable accretion of tubal wall in the place of created anastomosis, with simultaneous complete elimination of the implantation material from the organism.
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