Egg quality and blood parameters of “Bianca di Saluzzo” and Isa Brown hens kept under free range conditions

Egg quality traits and some blood parameters of Bianca di Saluzzo hen (BSh) were compared to Isa Brown hen (IBh). Birds were reared in free range conditions. Weightofthewholeegg Weight of the whole egg was higher (P≤0.01) for IBh, due to its higher amount of albumen (P≤0.01) whereas BSh egg showed the highest weight and relative percentage of yolk (PP≤0.01). IBh and BSh egg chemical composition was similar.Totalredcellsdidnotshowstatisticaldifferencesbetweengroups,whiletotalleucocytes Total red cells did not show statistical differences between groups, while total leucocytes were lower (P≤0.05) forBShhens. Heterophyl/Lymphocyte(H/L) ratioof BShwaslower (P for BSh hens. Heterophyl/Lymphocyte(H/L) ratioof BShwaslower (P . Heterophyl/Lymphocyte(H/L) ratioof BShwaslower (P Heterophyl/Lymphocyte (H/L) ratio of BSh was lower (P (PP≤0.01) than IBh(0.33 IBh (0.33 (0.33 vs. 0.82).IBh 0.82). IBh IBh α-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP)meanconcentrationswereaffectedbytime: (AGP) mean concentrations were affected by time: the values registered after 15 d (T1) and 2 months (T2) of observation were similar (345±132 and 279±58 μg/mlrespectively),whileAGPvalueregisteredafter4months(T3)weresignificantlyhigher μg/ml respectively),whileAGPvalueregisteredafter4months(T3)weresignificantlyhigher ), while AGP value registered after 4 months (T3) were significantly higher (700±487 μg/ml);BShdidnotdisplayanyAGPstatisticalvariationovertime.IBhalbuminmeancon- μg/ml); BShdidnotdisplayanyAGPstatisticalvariationovertime.IBhalbuminmeancon- BSh did not display any AGP statistical variation over time. IBh albumin mean con- centration (1.62 g/dL) was statistically lower than BSh values (1.89 g/dL); in both groups no effect of time of sampling was recorded. Acutephaseprotein(APP)valuesofBShsuggestedamoreadaptive Acute phase protein (APP)valuesofBShsuggestedamoreadaptive (APP) values of BSh suggested a more adaptive attitude to free range conditions and appeared more constant over time. The present findings suggest genetic or adaptive differences affecting egg quality, physiological and immunological parameters.
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