Структурно-организационные технологии в реформировании медицинского учреждения в современных условиях

The article covers the problems of optimization of multidisciplinary hospital’s work in modern conditions. The example of the district clinic presents activities for the organization of inpatient and outpatient specialized medical assistance which allow to improve its quality and effectiveness. The use of such new organizational and management methods as succession of medical assistance, regulation of medical-diagnostic process, restructurization in composition of hospital beds in wards and patients’ guiding improve the effectiveness of clinic’s activity. Comprehensive approach to modernization on the base of modern structural and organizational methods allowes to exceed the targets of the «Road map» of public healthcare. As the result of undertaken activities annual volume of consultative assistance in FRCC FMBA of Russia grew 6,6 times within 5 years, the intensity of hospital bed occupancy increased. Comprehensive approach to modernization on the base of modern structural and organizational methods allowed to reach the targets of hospital bed exploitation of the «Road map» of Ministry of healthcare of Russia for 2018, the average duration of the stay in hospital bed is 10,7 days, hospital beds occupancy is 344 («Road map» rates for 2018 are 11,7 and 331 accordingly).
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