88. Technical aspects and patient’s safety in an OR with a 1.5 T MR

BrainSUITE is equipped with a magnetic resonance machine, a ceiling-linked, last-generation microscope and a suspended and rotating operatory bed that allows real-time evaluations and tests during surgery. The room is designed so that the surgical field is situated outside the 5 Gauss (black) line, allowing the use of standard surgical instruments. Yet an OR provided with a 1.5 Tesla NMR machine poses problems such as the exposure of the surgical personnel to magnetic fields, the set-up of the dedicated materials and the neuroradiological management of the images acquired before, during and after the procedure. The neurophysiology machinery is composed by a work station, the main amplifier and the recording and stimulating needles with cables protected by plastic cable strips. A careful evaluation of the technical aspects during the procedures in BrainSUITE decreases the issues related to personnel and patient’s safety and results in less postoperative complications.
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