Türkiye’de Arazi Toplulaştırması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmaların Analizi

OZET: Bu calismanin amaci; arazi toplulastirmasi konusunda yapilan akademik calismalarin genel egilimlerini ortaya cikarmak ve bu konuda arastirma yapmayi dusunen arastirmacilarin calismalarina isik tutmaktir. Bu amac dogrultusunda, 2000-2015 yillari arasinda yayimlanan 92 akademik calisma, icerik analiz yontemiyle incelenmistir. 92 akademik calismanin 11’i doktora tezi, 35’i yuksek lisans tezi ve 46’si ulusal ve uluslararasi dergilerde yayinlanan makalelerden olusmaktadir. Icerik analiz yontemiyle yayinlarin yillara gore dagilimi, universitelere gore dagilimi, arastirmacilarin mesleklerine gore dagilimi ve yayinlarin hangi konulari icerdigi incelenerek siniflandirilmistir. Sonuc olarak en fazla arastirilan konularin arazi toplulastirmasinin arazi parcaliligina, parsel sayisina ve ortalama parsel buyuklugune etkisi oldugu belirlenmistir. Ayrica ziraat muhendisi arastirmacilarinin harita muhendisi arastirmacilarina gore daha fazla yayin yaptigi da belirlenmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Arazi Toplulastirmasi, Icerik analizi, Lisansustu tez, Makale Analysis of the Academic Study on the Land Consolidation in Turkey ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to find out the main tendencies of academic studies on land consolidation and it is supposed to shed light on studies of researchers who think about studying on this field.  To accomplish this purpose, 92 academic studies published between 2000 and 2015 were examined by using content analysis method. These 92 academic studies are composed of 11 phd thesis, 35 master thesis and 46 articles, published on national/international magazines, all of these were prepared by Turkish researchers. With the help of content analysis method, distribution of issues by years, university, occupation of the researchers and topics was examined and categorized. As a conclusion, it was found out that effects of land consodilation on fragmentation of land, the number of parcels and average parcel size were the most investigated subjects. In addition to this it was determined that agricultural engineers who are researchers produced publications more than geomatic engineers as researchers. Key Words: Land consolidation, content analysis, paper, master and phd
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