Measures to Increase the Number of Mammary Artery Coronary Artery Anastomoses

Abstract Patients with single internal mammary artery (IMA) grafts along with saphenous vein grafts have been found to have fewer coronary events and longer survival after operation. To reduce bypass graft failure from intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis, as well as to improve results, three or more IMA grafts were placed in 215 patients from October 1982 through May 1985. Careful planning helped in bypassing the maximum number of coronary artery obstructions with arterial conduits. By using bilateral IMA grafts, sequential, and Y grafts, the number of IMA coronary artery anastomoses increases and the need for saphenous vein grafts decreases. Meticulous dissection and preparation of the entire IMA and proper construction of the anastomosis are essentials for these procedures to be successful. Two of the 215 patients died early and four died late. Ninety-five percent of the postoperative stress tests were negative and 92% of the 39 IMA grafts visualized in 13 patients studied postoperatively were patent. We found this to be a safe, challenging procedure that improved late bypass conduit success and prolonged survival.
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