Lung development alterations in newborn mice after recovery from exposure to sublethal hyperoxia.

Exposure of newborn mice to hyperoxia arrests lung development, with resultant pathological characteristics similar to bronchopulmonary dysplasia in infants born prematurely. We tested the hypothesis that aberrations in lung development caused by 14 days of sublethal hyperoxia would be reversed during 14 days of recovery to room air (RA) when the concentration of oxygen exposure was weaned gradually. Newborn FVB mice were exposed to 85% oxygen or RA for 14 days. Weaning from hyperoxia was by either transfer directly into RA or a decrease in the concentration of oxygen by 10% per days. At 28 days, pups were euthanized, and the lungs were inflation fixed and assessed. At postnatal day 28, lungs of mice weaned abruptly from hyperoxia had fewer (6 ± 0.6 versus 10 ± 0.7; P 2 ) than animals weaned gradually; both hyperoxia-exposed groups were different from lungs obtained from air-breathing controls (20 ± 0.5 alveoli per high-powered field; P
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