Аналіз стану підготовки майбутніх вчителів інформатики у вищих педагогічних навчальних закладах України до роботи з професійної орієнтації школярів на ІТ-спеціальності

The ability to realize the pedagogical support of processes of socialization and professional self-determination of schoolchildren is considered as the one of subject (special professional) competences of a teacher of informatics. That is why it is extremely urgent to elaborate the renewed system of training of informatics teacher to the realization of the carrier guidance work with schoolchildren that would take into account features and tendencies of the labor market formation, would able to react timely on demands and challenges of today or even outrun them to some extent.  Despite the presence of many-sided native and foreign achievements in the scientific-pedagogical sphere, that the training of future informatics teachers in the system of Ukrainian pedagogical education is based on, there are not enough studies, directed on the substantiation of theoretical and methodical principles of the professional training of future informatics teachers to the carrier guidance of pupils on IT specialties. The aim of the study is to characterize the state of future informatics teachers training for the carrier guidance work with schoolchildren on IT-specialties in the practice of the work of higher pedagogical educational institutions. The study of curriculums, programs of academic disciplines, pedagogical practices, textbooks, schoolbooks and also other learning-methodological support (compendia of lectures, plans of practical, laboratory, individual activities, tasks for independent work, topics for course works, materials for control and so on) testified the absence of the proper elucidation of questions of future informatics teachers training for the realization of schoolchildren carrier guidance on IT specialties. Thus, it seems to be necessary to introduce essential changes in the process of future informatics teachers training for the carrier guidance work with children, connected with IT field. The training of future informatics teachers for the carrier guidance of schoolchildren in IT sphere must be an inalienable component of the professional training of students in higher pedagogical educational institutions and must be based on the elaboration of the new learning-methodological support
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