Hyperactivated mTOR and JAK2/STAT3 pathways: Crucial molecular drivers and potential therapeutic targets of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC).

60 Background: IBC is an aggressive form of breast cancer with poor prognosis. Combined multi-modality Rx results in a 5 year OS of 30-50%, underscoring the unmet need for targeted Rx. Our preclinical research in cell lines and xenografts identifies a role for activated PI3K/mTOR pathway in IBC. IBC cells express IL-6 and IL-8 and recruit tumor activated macrophages (TAMs) that further induce IL-6, IL-8 and activate the JAK2/STAT3 pathway. We investigated the independent and combined activity of these pathways in IBC tissues. Methods: Archived tissues of 42 IBC pts and 13 controls (nl breast) were analyzed using IHC and scored by 3 independent pathologists. Results defined as: 0, 1+ = neg; 2+ = pos for activated mTOR (P-S6) and 0 = neg; 1+, 2+ = pos for activated nuclear JAK2/STAT3 (P-JAK2; P-STAT3), cytokine (IL-6), macrophage (mO) infiltration (CD68) and TAM (CD163). Proportions of IBC cases with pos expression were compared with controls (Fishers exact tests). Clinical and survival data were obtained. ...
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