Ґендерні квоти та представленість жінок в органах місцевого самоврядування в умовах реформи децентралізації

The article reveals the peculiarities of the application of gender quotas in Ukraine on the local elections of 2015 and 2020 in the context of decentralization reform. The analysis of formation of voter lists, results of elections to local governments was carried out in the context of gender mainstreaming. The provisions of the Electoral Code were highlighted and certain gaps in the electoral legislation arising from the local elections were clarified. In addition, a comparative analysis of women’s representation in local councils of Ukraine was conducted. During the period of decentralization reform in Ukraine, transfer of powers and financial resources from state authorities to local governments, new tasks and tools for the development of territorial communities, new approaches in the context of promoting gender equality, representation of women in local councils, their partici pation in formation and adoption management decisions. Decentralization reform significantly expands the powers and capabilities of local governments, which encourages the inclusion of more women in political processes and their participation in decision-making processes in communities, thus stimulating the promotion of gender equality in society. In Ukraine, the level of representation of women in local authorities is not yet sufficient. Therefore, it needs both practical and legislative mechanisms to achieve gender balance. Despite the gender quotas enshrined in the electoral law, the number of women in power in the context of decentralization has not changed much since the 2020 local elections. Women deputies could bring in new tasks and tools for the development of territorial communities. The decentralization process has highlighted the problem of unbalanced access to resources and women’s participation in local government. During decentralization, there was a tendency to reduce the representation of women at the local level. Although decentralization reform creates the conditions for a better and safer living space for the development of women and men, girls and boys, it does not fully introduce gender parity in the activities of local self-government bodies.
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