Analisis Dalil Pengharaman Narkoba Dalam Karya-karya Kajian Islam Kontemporer

Drugs are often associated with intoxicants. In the context of fiqih drugs usually dikiaskan to prohibition of wine. However, in line with the development of contemporary medical science, the works of the new fiqh also mention and emphasize that the effects of damage also have its own influence in relation to drug law. This study aims to explore and analyze the trends of contemporary jurisprudence works in explaining their backs in relating the status of Sharia law values to drug abuse. This study uses qualitative methods. The data obtained from these works were analyzed and made comparisons. A number of 10 contemporary works that discuss drug law and the reasons for its prohibition have been used in this study. The study concluded that the works agreed that drug abuse is haram according to the Shari'a. All activities related to drug abuse such as planting, processing, owning, buying or selling permits used to cooperate with its misuse are haram. Likewise, in terms of its proofing proposition, all works tend to see it is based on the kias to the wine based on the argument that drugs are potentially intoxicating. The works only mention the destructive aspect without emphasizing it as an important basis for the prohibition of drug abuse. This is certainly not in accordance with the reality of the threat of drugs that not only grab the function of the intellect alone, even damaging the five-five main objectives of Islamic law, namely religion, life, intellect, descent and wealth. Hence the affirmation of the restrictive section needs to be emphasized in an effort to ensure fair drug abuse is prevented and handled more seriously in order to ensure the well-being of the ummah is maintained.
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