European multi-level governance : contrasting images in national research

Contents: Preface: The White Paper on EU Governance: An Innovative Initiative? Jerome Vignon Introduction: Research on Multi-Level Governance Beate Kohler-Koch and Fabrice Larat PART I: EU MULTILEVEL GOVERNANCE AS A TOPIC OF RESEARCH 1. A Futile Quest for Coherence: The Many Frames of EU Governance Beate Kohler-Koch and Berthold Rittberger 2. Travelling Concepts: EU Governance in the Social Sciences Literature Joan O'Mahony and Jim Ottaway PART II: REFLECTING THE DIVERSITY OF RESEARCH TRADITIONS 3. United Kingdom and Ireland: Leading in Governance Research Simon Bulmer 4. German Governance Research: Advanced but Mono-disciplinary Beate Kohler-Koch 5. The Netherlands and Norway: Strong in Governance Research Nico Groenendijk, Martin Rosema, Jacques Thomassen, Ramses Wessel and Ulf Sverdrup 6. Small Countries with Vivid Social Science Traditions Gerda Falkner and Stefanie Edler-Wollstein 7. Europe's South: Similarities and Differences in Governance Research Fabrice Larat 8. Research on EU Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: National Specificities and a Common Legacy Josef Niznik and Krzysztof Iszkowski 9. Researching Governance in a Multinational Environment: The European University Institute Sandra Eckert PART III: TRENDS AND PATTERNS IN RESEARCH 10. Trends and Patterns in Governance Research: What Do the GovData Tell Us? Fabrice Larat and Thomas Schneider 11. EU Governance: Where Do We Go From Here? Johan P. Olsen ANNEX: Access to GOVDATA and the National Reports
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