El papel de la categorización social y las diferencias sociodemográficas en la autoestima, el ajuste y el bienestar psicológicos de una muestra de inmigrantes

It explores the effect of the salience of social categorization immigrant and their interaction with sociodemographic differences (level of education, employment status, sex) of subjects in psychological adjust- ment, psychological well-being and self-esteem. 210 immigrants from South America, living in the provinces of Granada and Almeria, were dis- tributed in two experimental conditions: "salience low / high social cate- gorization immigrant." We found the handling effect on measures of be- longing and identity (collective self-esteem), individual self-esteem, anxiety subscale (SA-45) and welfare. When is low (vs. high) salience of social cat- egorization, subjects had better self-esteem, less anxiety and less labor wel- fare. The sex is associated with experimental manipulation in private and public scales (collective self-esteem) and somatization, depression and anx- iety (SA-45). Men for whom it is less salient present immigration status op- timum results. The educational level and employment status are associated with psychological adjustment: unemployed subjects (versus those who are
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