Training students basis of first provision health care

It is known that in connection with the untimely provision of medical assistance in case of disasters, incidents, any events where there are victims, up to 30% of victims die in the first hour, up to 70% in 3:00, and up to 90% in 6:00. Usually the life and health of the victim depends on first aid by persons without special medical education. The high level of injuries is always alarming, therefore it is very important to be able to prevent injuries, and the ability to provide first-aid medical care is a necessary knowledge for all specialists – university graduates. First aid is a set of urgent measures taken in case of accidents and sudden illnesses aimed at terminating the harmful factor, eliminating life-threatening phenomena, alleviating suffering and preparing the victim to be sent to a medical institution. It is essential that each student be aware of the essence, principles, rules and sequence of first aid. The article is a brief guide to the first aid in emergency situations in different circumstances, and can also be used in the educational process to prepare students who do not have a medical education, but are required to be able to provide first aid. The solution of this problem requires the development and implementation of modern scientifically based information on injury prevention and untimely first aid. In order to increase the effectiveness of first aid, the article offers instruction on knowledge and skills, which is developed in accordance with the program of the course «Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge» and «The Course of Medical Training for Rescuers», which is approved by the Medical Directorate of Ukraine MSC, which should be laid out for students at the life safety basics classes.
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