O desafio do autocuidado de pacientes oncológicos estomizados: da reflexão à ação

It is a qualitative research on the self-care of ostomate oncologic patient that has as objectives: To analyze the self-care requirements of the ostomate oncologic patient, to describe the trajectory of the oncologic patient with intestinal stoma and to identify the self-care requirements referred by these patients. The research was done in the stoma therapy of an oncologic treatment Institute located in the central region of Rio de Janeiro city with thirteen adult oncologic patients with intestinal stoma of definitive or not elimination, enrolled in the institution and who were in ambulatory treatment. For data collection it was done a halfstructured interview and, then, after analysis thematic contents the following categories were created: living with intestinal stoma; the challenging of self-care: from reflection to action and the expectative and feelings. The results indicated that the oncologic patient experiences a trajectory marked by surprises, anxiety, fear and lack of hope, although during the process of sickening he/she reflects on his/her life looking for strategies to face and get adapted to the sickness and the treatment. The confection of a stoma is a very hard step in the cancer treatment, since the patients understand the intestinal stoma as something scaring that breaks the normality of the body, even when it brings relief of the pain provoked by the illness. The intestinal stoma provokes changes of emotional, physic, physiologic and social aspects in the quotidian of these patients with repercussions in their autonomy, independence and self-image that limit their social relations. The self-care requirements of the greatest importance referred by the subjects of the research have been: provision of care associated with elimination process and the excrements/ maintenance of the balance between solitude and the social interaction and modifications of the self-concept and self-image, accepting to be in determined state of health and to need of specific ways of health attending. On the other hand it was found that they develop abilities for cleaning the collecting device, but they are not prepared to make the change of the device, needing the help of a family member or a friend to do this activity. One concludes that before the needs of these patients the nurse needs to act implementing educative actions that provide support to these patients, still stimulating a process of consciousness-raising of these patients about their self-care and the need of adopting strategies before the challenges of living with the stoma, contributing this way to reduce the risks and damages to their health. In this sense it is necessary that the nurse reflects on the needs and demands of these patients with the aim of promoting a care that can contribute to their recovery, maintenance and adaptation to the new health situation in a dialogic relation in which knowledge and experiences are shared, having as aim the improvements of the life quality of these patients.
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