Predictors and Early Outcome of Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation in Contemporary Heart valve Surgery Predittori ed outcome della ventilazione meccanica prolungata nella chirurgia valvolare contemporanea

ORIGINAL ARTICLEIntroductionDuring the last decades mechanical ventilationhas been an important support in the postoperativemanagement of patients undergoing heart valve surg-eries, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), and oth-er cardiac surgery procedures. Most of the patientsare extubated within 6 to 8 hours after operation [1];however, a considerable number of patients need me-chanical ventilation for a prolonged period after car-diac surgery, and this is associated with increasedmortality and morbidity [2, 3]. Previous studies de-scribed predictors of PMV in patients undergoingcoronary artery revascularization [4-6]. In addition agreat number of patients presenting with an aggravat-ing risk profile due to increased multiple preoperativecomorbidities most likely would experience this com-plication [7]. Thus, we aimed to understanding theepidemiology of PMV in a contemporary cohort ofvalvular surgery patients and to determine predictorsand early outcomes following this complication. Suchpreliminary study may be a key element to designprevention strategies for preoperative evaluation.Material & MethodsThis retrospective study considered 1056 patientswho underwent isolated valve surgery at Tehran
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