Investigating the Effectiveness of Educating Cognitive Processing-Based Social Skills Onimprovement of Social Skills and Life Quality in Students Afflicted with Dyslexia

IntroductionAll the students in literate societies have the right to literacy and according to the system of training and education, students are expected to be able to read fluently and comprehend what they have read by the end of the elementary level, thus they must be able to read in order to learn (Education for all, 2011). As a result, there are great concerns about students who have reading (and writing) problems in the school. So, it must be noted that reading problems are associated with the educational system and guarantee no position in psychology. However, dyslexia is usually associated with other neurodevelopmental disorders such as disruptive behavioral disorders and anxiety increases in the people afflicted with dyslexia (Karl & lies, 2006; quoted by Margaret, Snowling and Hu line, 2012). Thus, dyslexia must also be considered from a psychological point of view: decoding problems (dyslexia) and comprehension disorders (Kine, 2010 and Hu line and Snowling, 2009; [4], These 2 different types of dyslexia have 2 different reasons and require different treatments. In the fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders (DSM-5), the term dyslexia is not used and neuropsychological disorders category is used in its place. Of all different disorders whose beginning dates back to pre-schools stage or before that, this category only includes leamingdisorders and communication disorders. Thereare 3 different forms of dyslexia and 7 different forms of communication disorders, but what is vague in DSM-5 list is the internal relationship between different disorders.Dyslexia is damage that influences the decoding skill and is replaced by the "reading disorder" in DSM-5. The recommended definitions of DSM-5 of dyslexia generally has the following features:T- Problems in the accuracy and eloquent reading which are not compatible with educational opportunities or intelligence skills. 2- Disorder in criteria Twithout the matching power of the eye shows a significant intervention with educational development and daily life activities which require these reading skills. Spelling problems are not included in (DSM-5), while dyslexic people have problems in spelling and writing which are usually more severe and lasting than their other reading problems (Brook, T990; Magan, 2009[4] . Contrary to reading disorders which take place in decoding skill in the level of the word, poor comprehenders perform a satisfactory decoding, yet they have problems understanding what they have read (Huhne et al.,20TT; quoted by Margarit et al., 2042).One of the possible problems in people with learning disorders is the problems associated with social skills. Social skills is a set of acquired behaviors which enable an individual to establish an effective relationship with others and refrain from unwise social reactions. Cooperation, participation, giving help, starting a relationship, asking for help, complementing and appreciating others are examples of such behaviors. Learning these behaviors and establishing an effective relationship with others are some of the most important achievements of childhood period. Unfortunately, not all children manage to acquire such skills [48], thus they usually face negative reactions from their peers. Those children who have acquired sufficient social skills are more successful than those without such skills in establishing a relationship with their peers [8], DeRosier, 2040) and learning in educational environment [37], [49]. Slow Mouski & Dann (4996; [24], describe cognition and social skill as a process which enables kids and adolescents to predict and understand others' behaviors, control their own behavior and regulate their social interactions. The research results indicate that children with learning disorders have problems in interpersonal skills [25], Wienner, 2004), depression and other disorders associated with mood [39], [34], social information processing [44], More problems in social interactions and social skills [2], high levels of social rejection and loneliness [46], and adjustment problems [7], [30], Werner, 2004; [9]. …
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