Characterization of colistin-resistant A. baumannii isolated in Intensive Care Unit of an Italian Hospital

We report the characterization of an Acinetobacter baumannii resistant to colistin isolated from a patient treated with colistin for 22 days. The identification and initial susceptibility testing of the strain was performed at ASL3 Imperiese with the Vitek-2 automated system and than the strain was re-identified at the Sezione di Microbiologia with APINE. In vitro activity of antimicrobial agents was determined by the microdiluition methods. The detection of the beta-lactamase gene was performed by PCR and for the analysis of LPS were sequenced the genes of the PmrABC system. We compared the PFGE profile of the colistin-resistant A. baumannii with 5 A. baumannii colistin-susceptible strains isolated in the same Hospital during 2010. The strain was resistant to all antimicrobial agents tested, except to tygecyclin. The PFGE shown that the A. baumannii colistin-resistant was closery related to the colistin-susceptible strains. The sequencing of the PmrABC system showed that the strain had a single mutation in the PmrB component. Colistin-resistant strain have recently been found in several Gram-negative bacteria such A. baumannii, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa. This clinical case confirms that resistance to colistin in A. baumannii can be selected in vivo following the use of colistin in therapy.
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