Primary Scrotal Malignant Melanoma (A Case Report Of Two Cases And Literature Review)

Malignant tumors ot the scrotum are rare. The World Health Organization reported an incident of ap­ proximately 0.2 to 0.3 case per 100.000 men over age 35 years in the late 1960 (1). The incidence in the United Kingdom is more than any other country in the world. A primary lesion on the scrotum is the rarest manife­ station of genitourinary melanoma. The general belief is that this neoplasm arise from malignant degeneration of a preexisting junctional or compound nevus (2-3). Clinical experience with this tumor is not only too small but also too poorly documented. But the basic principles of staging and treatment are similar to other cutaneus melanoma elsewhere. We report two cases of primary melanoma of the scrotum. A review of the literature revealed only five other cases between 19491992 (4-8).
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