フォルボールミリステート酢酸誘導性活性酸素腎障害からみた糸球体腎炎の進展機序とpara-amino benzoate Na mannosideの効果

To the recent knowledge, it is possibly speculated that reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) play a key role in the initiation and progression of glomerulonephritis. The present study was aimed to clarify where ROM are produced in the renal tissue, and whether para-amino benzoate sodium Mannoside, which is named K-MAP bring about a therapeutic effect on renal damage caused by ROM or not. The production of ROM was induced with the injection of 20-40 μg/animal of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) .The injection of PMA lead to massive proteinuria with severe morphological alterations in glomeruli and tubuli. ROM were visualized out in the glomerular and tubular cells by means of celium chloride staining method. K-MAP demonstrated significant effects against the proteinuria and pathological changes in the glomerulus of the experimental model.From these results, we suggest that ROM participate in the progression of renal injury due to glomerulonephritis and K-MAP may have a therapeutic effect on it.
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