Зависимость распределения I/D полиморфного маркера гена ангиотензин-превращающего фермента от семейного анамнеза ишемической болезни сердца у больных нестабильной стенокардией узбекской национальности

Were examined 170 persons of Uzbek nationality, the main group included 125 patients with unstable (progressive) angina class II B (E. Braunwald et al., 1989), 63 of them had a family history of CHD. The control group included 45 healthy individuals. I / D polymorphism of the ACE gene was determined using reagent Diatom TM DNA Prep 200 (produced by "Laboratory IsoGene"LTD). When comparing patients with uncomplicated family history with the control group were not revealed significant differences in the distribution of genotypes and alleles, whereas in patients with a burdened history more frequent had D / D genotype (OR = 3.46, 95% CI 1,18-8, 11, P = 0.035) and D-allele of the ACE gene (OR = 2.47, 95% CI 1,40-4,34, P = 0.002) compared to controls. The presence of family history of coronary heart disease among Uzbeks with unstable stenocardia is associated with the accumulation of «D» allele I / D polymorphism of the gene ACE.
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