Plant-pathogenic bacteria as biological weapons - Real threats?

In recent years, acts of international terrorism have raised concerns that some microorganisms could be used as biological weapons, and the ensuing public discussion raised concerns about their potential to be used as weapons of mass destruction. (Various neologisms have been developed for the discussion of clandestine release of pathogens: agroterrorism, bioterrorism, biocrime, biowarfare, etc., and to microorganisms in this context: bioterror weapons, bioweapons, dual-use agents, and select agents. Some of these have obvious utility; others may obscure understanding. In this text, terms are used in their conventional sense. “Biological weapon” will be used to refer to diseasecausing microorganisms intended for clandestine introduction into a country, with hostile political intent. “Bioterror” refers to organisms with the capacity to instill significant levels of panic in society at large.) Two important aspects of such weapons are their
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