Методика рекурсивной оценки качества программных комплексов управления группировками беспилотных летательных аппаратов

Modern technologies for developing highly sophisticated application software for robotic systems, which include unmanned aerial vehicles, are focused not on the use of classical methods and quality metrics, but on the dynamic use of recursive methods in the framework of the so-called spiral development model. The approximate evaluation nature of qualimetric analysis is compensated by the multiple (iterative) quality assessment procedures for the same components of the program code in the process of their development, creation and debugging. The article presents the developed methodology for the recursive assessment of the quality of software systems for managing groups of unmanned aerial vehicles, considered as a systemological toolkit for the head of software development and based on multiple assessments of the quality of application software for each iteration of its development (when each successive assessment of the current quality is expressed through its previous value). the difference of the methodology is its focus on the iterative-stage or recursive nature of the development of software systems for managing groups of unmanned aerial vehicles within the SCRUM technological system.
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