Localization of preclinical nonpalpable lesions of the breast

: The discovery of mammary neoplastic node in a preclinical stage, most of all not yet palpable, represents the best chance for the surgeon to obtain a real curative exeresis therapy retaining also gland's aesthetics. This kind of situation is more frequent today, because the increased utilization of mammography, ultrasonography and their matched use with the aim to investigate into a population of women with a specific risk. In fact, their sequential use offers the best possibilities of a real earlier diagnosis. In this event the conservative surgical treatment ranks its best curative and aesthetic result. The author's target, based on their own experience, outcomes the comparison between mammography and ultrasonography, pointing out a reliability of the latter similar to the mammography's one upon a specific target at least. The other aspect considered is the possibility of a preoperative localization of the neoplasm using different kind of marks to get the radical tumour exeresis centred on the suspect mass and conservative at its best. The experience suggests more usefulness of metallic marks strung down mammography control, even without using radio-stereotaxic that permits a higher precision but needs adequate facilities with unavoidable more elevated costs. It is finally layed emphasis on the importance of identifying a population at risk to logically utilize, and not indiscriminately, the most modern diagnostic resources.
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