The r- and s-process contributions to heavy-element abundances in the halo star HD 29907

The abundances of 22 heavy elements from Sr to Pb have been determined for the halo star HD 29907 (T eff = 5500 K, log g = 4.64) with [Fe/H] = −1.55 using high-quality VLT/UVES spectra (ESO, Chile). The star has a moderate enhancement of r-process elements (Eu-Tm) with [r/Fe] = 0.63. In the range from Ba to Yb, the derived abundance pattern agrees well with those for strongly r-process enhanced stars (r-II stars with [Eu/Fe] > 1 and [Ba/Eu] < 0), such as CS 22892-052 and CS 31082-001, as well as with the scaled solar r-process curve and the r-process model HEW. Thus, Ba-Yb in HD 29907 originate in the r-process. Just as other moderately r-process enhanced stars studied in the literature, HD 29907 exhibits higher Sr, Y, and Zr abundances than those for r-II stars. These results confirm the assumption by other authors about the existence of an additional Sr-Zr synthesis mechanism in the early Galaxy before the onset of nucleosynthesis in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. The same mechanism can be responsible for the enhancement of Mo-Ag in the star being investigated compared to r-II stars. There are no grounds to suggest the presence of s-nuclei of lead in the material of the star being investigated, because its measured abundance ratio log ɛ(Pb/Eu) = 1.20 lies within the range for the comparison stars: from log ɛ(Pb/Eu) = 0.17 (CS 31082-001) to < 1.55 (HE 1219-0312). Thus, even if there was a contribution of AGB stars to the heavy-element enrichment of the interstellar medium at the epoch with [Fe/H] = −1.55, it was small, at the level of the abundance error.
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