Llista comentada actualitzada dels Keroplatidae i Mycetophilidae (Diptera) de Catalunya

EnglishSince the publication of the Catalogue of Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae (Chandler & Baez, 2002a, b) of Spain, Portugal and Andorra (Carles-Tolra, 2002), some new records have been found. The literature has been reviewed and an annotated checklist of the catalan records of these two families has been made, to which some previously unpublished records from Collserola Natural Park (Barcelona) have been added, that have increased the Catalonia fauna with five new species: Coelosia fusca Bezzi, 1892, Mycetophila britannica Lastovka & Kidd, 1975, Mycetophila spectabilis Winnertz, 1863, Phronia conformis (Walker, 1856) and Mycomya (Mycomya) pygmalion Vaisanen, 1984. catalaD’enca la publicacio dels Keroplatidae i Mycetophilidae (Chandler & Baez, 2002a, b) d’Espana, Portugal i Andorra (Carles-Tolra, 2002), han aparegut noves cites. S’ha fet un buidat bibliografic i una llista comentada de les cites publicades d’aquestes dues families fins ara a Catalunya, a la que s’ha afegit algunes altres d’inedites del Parc Natural de Collserola (Barcelona), que han aportat cinc noves especies per Catalunya: Coelosia fusca Bezzi, 1892, Mycetophila britannica Lastovka & Kidd, 1975, Mycetophila spectabilis Winnertz, 1863, Phronia conformis (Walker, 1856) i Mycomya (Mycomya) pygmalion Vaisanen, 1984
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