Gas-rich meteorites: Probes for particle environment and dynamical processes in the inner solar system

The discovery in the early sixties of precompaction solar wind irradiation records in the gas-rich meteorites opened up the possibility of studying the solar activity at different epochs in the distant past. Subsequent studies in several meteorites have led to the discovery of the precompaction records of irradiation of constituent grains by solar wind, solar flare and galactic cosmic ray particles. There are also microcraters resulting from their collisions with interplanetary dust grains. Analyses of these records and their observed similarity with those found in the lunar samples led to the hypothesis that the precompaction records in individual components of these meteorites were imprinted while they were residing in the near surface region of their parent bodies, most probably the asteroids. Although the asteroids are the most plausible candidates for the parent bodies of gas-rich meteorites, there exist certain dynamical arguments which tend to favor a cometary origin in certain cases. Also, recent studies indicate that in the case of gas-rich carbonaceous chondrites solar flare irradiation of grains may have occurred prior to formation of the parent bodies.
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