Radiation Doses on the Russian Segment of the International Space Station in October 2003: Comparison of Estimates Based on CORONAS-F Data with Dosimetry Results

We present the results of our calculations of the absorbed radiation doses onboard the International Space Station (ISS) based on CORONAS-F data on the spectra of protons in near-Earth space and on the conditions of their penetration into the polar caps. Our estimates are compared with the dosimetry data onboard the ISS and with the results of similar calculations based on GOES-10 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) data. There is satisfactory agreement between the absorbed doses estimated from CORONAS-F data and the measurements on the ISS. When the data from the high-apogee GOES-10 satellite are used, the agreement between calculations and measurements is considerably poorer. This is probably due to the influence of solar cosmic ray proton penetration into the polar caps.
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