Economic analysis of dry season maize ( Zea mays L.) production in Kaduna metropolis.

Irrigated agriculture has remained an integral part of Nigeria’s agricultural development strategies aimed at accelerating economic growth and preventing the country from severe food crisis. This paper analysed the economics of dry season maize production in Kaduna metropolis. Field surveys were conducted through purposive sampling technique, in which three different locations known for dry season maize production in Kaduna metropolis were selected. Data were collected from thirty farmers with the aid of structured questionnaire. Data collected covered farm size, quantities and prices of inputs, crop yield and constraints faced by the farmers. Cobb-Douglas production function was chosen as the lead equation which gave the best fit estimate of input-output relationship. Results revealed that an R2 of .77; f- ratio of 12.00 at 0 .01percent significance level were obtained. All variable inputs captured in the function had positive regression co-efficients. Elasticity of production (€) of farm size and fertilizer were less than unity. The € for irrigation water and labour were greater than unity and significant at 0 .1 level. The marginal value product (MVP) of fertilizer was N100.50. Irrigation and labour hours had positive MVPs of N60.50 and N61.10/manhours respectively. High cost of fertilizer constituted the major problem to farmers. The study recommended provision of inputs and micro-finance at affordable rates to the farmers by banks. Key words: Economic analysis, dry season, maize production
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