Early outcomes of a municipally funded oocyte cryopreservation programme in Japan

AbstractOne factor explaining the declining birth rate in Japan is the social advancement of women. Women are delaying marriage and childbirth, with many then facing so-called ‘social infertility’. Advanced infertility treatment options, such as in vitro fertilization, are available, but the costs are high. Further, the success rates for ‘older’ women are only around 10%. We report the preliminary results of an oocyte cryopreservation programme promoted and subsidized by our city government. Citywide seminars were conducted to generate awareness of issues surrounding fertility. Among the total 81 attendees were women considering oocyte retrieval and the current practice of oocyte retrieval and cryopreservation and its associated risks were explained. Fifty-seven attendees, women under 34 years of age, were considered potential candidates for the procedure. These women wished to delay pregnancy for specific reasons, such as occupational demands. Twenty-six of these women expressed a definite desire for ooc...
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