A implantacao de tecnologias reprodutivas no campo medico e mais uma etapa do processo de medicalizacao da reproducao humana, em continuidade como o regime biopolitico que caracteriza a normalizacao social contem-poraneamente. Nele, a producao e a reproducao da vida sao objetos de investimento politico e de relacoes de poder de um outro tipo uma vez que se tornou integralmente possivel seu controle pela intervencao humana, via tecnologia. O surgimento da bioetica esta intimamente ligado a este processo, tendo esse campo acolhido efetivamente o debate sobre as biotecnociencias e a intervencao biotecnologica nos processos vitais. Mas as mudancas que se anunciam e os novos desafios no plano da organizacao da vida humana – biologica, individual, familiar, das populacoes etc. – colocam a necessidade de ampliacao da regulamentacao dessas novas tecnologias. No caso brasileiro, convivemos com uma longa historia de curta regulacao das tecnologias reprodutivas. Nesse artigo, indicaremos os principais problemas e iniciativas encontradas para enfrenta-los no sentido de contribuir para o adensamento do debate publico sobre a reproducao assistida no Brasil. Palavras-chave : bioetica, reproducao humana, reproducao assistida, regulamentacao, biotecnologias. REPRODUCTION AND BIOETHICS. The regulation of assisted reproduction in Brazil The implementation of reproduction technologies is another stage of the medication process of human repro-duction, together with the biopolitical regime that currently characterizes social normalization. Production and reproduction of life are seen as objects of different political investments and relationships of power, since they can be totally controlled by human intervention through technology. The outcome of bioethics is closely related to this process, whereas this field has housed the debate on biotechnical-sciences and biotechnology intervention in the vital processes. However, the changes that are announced and the new challenges to the plan or organi-zation of human life – biological, individual, family, population, etc.. emphasize the need of expanding the regulation of these new technologies. Brazil has experienced a long history of short regulation of the reproductive techno-logies. This paper points out the main problems and the initiatives found to overcome them, thus contributing to the intensification of the public debate on assisted reproduction in Brazil. Key words: bioethics, human reproduction, assisted reproduction, regulation, biotechnologies. ReproduCTION eT BioetHiQUE. LA regulaTION dE La reproduCTION assistEE AU BrEsil L’implantation de technologies reproductives dans le domaine medical est une etape de plus dans le processus de medicalisation de la reproduction humaine, en continuite avec le regime biopolitique qui caracterise presen-tement la normalisation sociale. Dans ce processus, la production et la reproduction de la vie sont des objets d’investissement politique et de relations de pouvoir d’un autre genre, etant donne qu’il est devenu tout a fait possible de le controler par le biais de l’intervention humaine, via techno-logie. Le surgissement de la bioethique est profondement lie a ce processus vu que ce domaine a effectivement accueilli le debat concernant les biotechnos-ciences et l’intervention biotechnolo-gique dans les processus vitaux. Mais les changements qui s’annoncent et les nouveaux defis sur le plan de l’organisation de la vie humaine – biologique, individuelle, familiale, des populations, etc. impliquent le besoin d’amplifier la reglementation de ces nouvelles technologies reproductives. Dans le cas du Bresil, nous vivons une longue histoire de courte reglementation des technologies reproductives. Cet article fait etat des principaux problemes et des initiatives trouvees pour les affronter afin de contribuer au renforcement du debat public concernant la reproduction assistee au Bresil. Mots-cles : bioethique, reproduction humaine, reproduction assistee, reglementation, biotechnologies. Publicacao Online do Caderno CRH:
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