Характеристика ценностно-ориентационной системы молодежи Республики Южная Осетия

CHARACTERISTICS OF VALUE-ORIENTATION OF THE SYSTEM OF YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH OSSETIA. Atayan А.M. The article is devoted to the socio-psychological research of the complex of the value orientations of the personal and professional self-determination of young people of the republic of South Ossetia, who had graduated from high school in post-war conditions of the military aggression of Georgia in South Ossetia in August 2008. The results show that today´s youth are quite realistic to the character and prospects of development of the market economy in the republic of South Ossetia and Russia. The problem of employment of 99% of respondents are concerned about our youth. It is important to say that increasing of the prestige of short-term courses for receiving profession, because the youth understand that without specific professional skills is difficult to adapt market economy. However, the value orientation of the south-ossetian young people differ of lack of awareness of the professional choice, the importance of mental labour and social development, express the developed moral and ethical principles of kindness, friendship, love and respect.
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