Desafíos actuales para la formación y el desempeño profesional de los ingenieros agrónomos en Uruguay

Syllabuses must be necessarily changed in order to improve professionals’ performance and harmoniously combine requirements of professions and those of sciences being bases of every profession, as well as social and ethical values determining professionals’ behavior. Effective preparation of syllabuses relies, among other factors, on economic resources held by educational institutions and, above all, on adequate training to professors and their competences because they are the persons responsible for training future professionals. Linking students to the reality of the agriculture and stockbreeding sector and people engaged in it, by means of pieces of research and university extension programs, is essential for them to be aware of and get an insight into problems and their contexts, so they will be able to develop their abilities to practice agronomy and find independent, appropriate, innovative, and sustainabilityoriented solutions to them.
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