Detection the Genetic Diversity among Oral Cavity Klebsiella spp Isolates

The present study was carried out to Detection The genetic diversity among oral cavity Klebsiella spp isolates for different proofs, oral cavity swaps were collected from dental clinic attendances after classical microbial investigations Klebsiella spp was more frequent isolates, RAPD-PCR used for genetic diversity of isolates that show primers recorded 18, 21, 27, and 35 bands for A, B, C, and D respectively the most similar isolates were (7 vs 3,4 and 6) for primers A, primer B (7 vs 5) , primer C (4 vs1, 2, 3) primer D (6 vs 3) , and the mean of similarity index for all primers shows that the more similarity between (4 vs 3) and low similarity with E coli HB101. The overall diversity shows no strong similarity among isolates which habitat in oral cavity The genetic similarity pointed to possibility of diverted in genetic component in Klebsiella spp which pointed that no strong genetic variation among isolates and it may be belong on the some oral health problems in Iraqi populations.
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