Methodology article A new look towards BAC-based array C G H through a comprehensive comparison with oligo-based array C G H

samples. R e su lts: In this paper, we present an exhaustive comparison between the two C G H platforms, undertaken at two independent sites using the same batch of D N A from l9 advanced prostate cancers. The comparison was performed directly on the raw data and a significant correlation was found between the two platforms. The correlation was greatly improved when the data were averaged over large chromosomic regions using a segmentation algorithm. In addition, this analysis has enabled the development of a statistical model to discriminate B A C outliers that might indicate microevents. These microevents were validated by the oligo platform results. C o n c lu s io n : This article presents a genome-wide statistical validation of the oligo array platform on a large set of patient samples and demonstrates statistically its superiority over the B A C platform for the Identification of chromosomic events. Taking advantage of a large set of human samples treated by the two technologies, a statistical model has been developed to show that the B A C platform could also detect microevents. Open Access
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